Why Are You Here?

why are you here

Why Are You Here?

by Anya Sophia Mann

Because you are! The answer to why are you here is to ‘BE CAUSE’. Be the cause behind, beneath, beside, surrounding all and as much as you can with your life. What does that look like? A few examples of the myriad ways you can 'be-cause’ for so much in your life is: enter a dinner table with an engaging smile, causing people to look up and smile back; go across to a neighbors with a pot of freshly-made soup; leave an anonymous note of appreciation on your co-workers desk. These are just a few of the little things you can do to get you started on the path of realizing the 'Power of You’ to be the cause of so much that is surrounding your life.

There is so much you can be, to be cause for: so much shifting of vibration and energy in your world that will touch the lives of others. If the craziness, chaos and confusion in this world is going to change it can do that with each individual being the cause for powerful, peaceful change, shifting our planet into a more empowered environment to live in.

 “If the craziness, chaos and confusion in this world is going to change it can do that with each individual being the cause for powerful, peaceful change, shifting our planet into a more empowered environment to live in."

You have the power to create change and shifts in people's lives on a small and large scale. This means you have a remarkable reason for being here on this earth! So why are you here? Maybe just for that simply profound reason - to be cause for shifting everything around you, consciously knowing that you can be, and are, an ‘agent for change’. This is just one of many ways to wrap words around this idea. You could also say ‘shape shifter’. That’s right! Notice how the shape of situations changes when you decide to be the cause of something to change and shift.

BE CAUSE just because YOU can. Consciously choose to take just one day in your life and move through your world being the cause for something to shift. Let it entertain you and uplift you, as you notice the extraordinary effect you can have on people, places and situations by simply deciding to be cause in igniting change through simple acts. 

Be you. Be cause. Because this is why you are here in this world. Because of the Power of You the world becomes a better place, simply because.

Because of you, I write these blogs. Thank you for being the cause.

Warm love,


Anya Sophia Mann,  Author, Coach and Speaker.

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